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abril, 2019

Tablas Creek Goats


Did you know that California is a global leader in sustainable winegrowing? Wineries statewide are celebrating their commitment to sustainability throughout April. Explore Down to Earth Month and the wide range of fun and educational public events on offer from eco-tours, tastings of earth-friendly wines, winery Earth Day parties, vineyard hikes and more. Can’t make the trip? Open a bottle of your favorite California wine and toast our commitment to green from grapes to glass.

The Pour

Which Wine?

California Pinot Noir has generous fruit aromas (think raspberry and cherry), lively acidity and plenty of depth—just the ticket for this boldly seasoned chicken dish. Premier AVAs (appellations) for Pinot Noir include Sonoma Coast, Russian River Valley, Los Carneros, Santa Lucia Highlands and Santa Rita Hills, but you will find elegant Pinot Noirs from cool-climate areas throughout the state.

Meet the Grapes: Explore more wine pairings

The Recipe

Pollo Asado Con Limón Meyer Y Paprika Ahumada

Spain’s smoky pimentón gives these succulent chicken thighs a deep, ruddy color as they roast on a bed of sliced red onion and sliced Meyer lemon. You’ll want to serve every drop of the garlicky pan juices. The soft citrus slices can be eaten or not, as you prefer. Pat the spice rub on the chicken in the morning or even the day before.

Wine suggestion: Cabernet Sauvignon o Merlot de California


  • 4 muslos de pollo sin deshuesar y con piel, aproximadamente 1 1⁄2 libras
  • (750 g) en total
  • 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva extra virgen


  • 1 1⁄2 cucharadita de sal kosher o marina
  • 1 1⁄2 cucharadita de orégano seco y triturado
  • 1 1⁄2 cucharadita de ajo en polvo
  • 1 1⁄2 cucharadita de pimentón de la Vera (Paprika ahumada española)
  • 1 limón Meyer con los extremos cortados y finamente rebanado
  • 1 cebolla morada pequeña, a la mitad y rebanada finamente del tallo a la raíz
  • 24 aceitunas verdes (opcional)


Cubra los muslos de pollo con aceite de oliva. En un tazón pequeño, combine todos los ingredientes mezclando muy bien. Rocíe sobre ambos lados del pollo. Coloque los muslos sazonados en una rejilla sobre un plato o bandeja y refrigere, sin tapar, de 8 a 24 horas. Retire del refrigerador 30 minutos antes de asar. Coloque una parrilla en el tercio superior del horno y precaliente el horno a 425°F (220°C). Elija un plato para hornear poco profundo, lo suficientemente grande como para sostener los muslos en una sola capa sin tocarlos. Ponga las rodajas de limón y cebolla en el plato para hornear y revuélvalas juntas. Rehágalos en una cama plana y coloque los muslos directamente encima.

Ase el pollo durante 20 minutos, luego rocíe con los jugos de la sartén. Continúe asando hasta que la piel del pollo esté bien dorada y crujiente y las cebollas y limones se comiencen a caramelizar, aproximadamente 20 minutos más. Agregue las aceitunas verdes, en su caso, alrededor de 10 minutos antes de que el pollo esté listo.

Deje el pollo reposar durante 15 minutos antes de servirlo para permitir que los jugos se asienten.

Rinde 4 porciones

Wine Institute is an association of nearly 1,000 California wineries and affiliated businesses from the beautiful and diverse wine regions throughout the state. Wine Institute works to create an environment where the wine community can flourish and contribute in a positive fashion to our nation, state and local communities. For information please contact


Certified sustainable producer Jordan Winery, owner of the Wine Country Table website and magazine, consents to Wine Institute’s use of its trademark for this book. Find food, wine, entertaining and travel tips at